Hearing loss and osteoporosis are two common conditions that affect older adults. Both of these conditions can be detected and managed with clinical care, but they also share some similarities that may make certain treatments inefficient or ineffective.

Hearing loss and osteoporosis are two separate issues but have been linked together. It’s important to understand why people with hearing loss may also be more at risk of developing osteoporosis. Today we answer a common question: Why is it important that we understand the link between hearing loss and osteoporosis?

What is Hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a common problem among older adults. It can be caused by a number of factors, including age and genetics. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 20% of the world’s population between the ages of 65-74 have hearing difficulty in one or both ears; as people get older, this percentage increases to around 50%.

Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent and may be caused by ageing, a sudden injury or exposure to loud noises. A person with hearing loss is often aware of it because they cannot hear conversations, television programs and music as well as they could before their hearing was affected. Hearing loss can also affect balance and cause dizziness. Along with ageing and injury, the most common causes of hearing loss are infection, tinnitus, constant exposure to noise and illness.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes your bones to become brittle and weak. It’s more common among older people, but you’re at risk of developing osteoporosis if you have an impaired immune system or take certain medications. Bones are constantly being broken down and rebuilt. This process is called remodeling and happens throughout your life. When you have osteoporosis, your body makes fewer new bone cells than it breaks down. As a result, the amount of bone in your body decreases.

Osteoporosis usually occurs when your body doesn’t make enough new bone cells to replace old ones as they break down. This can happen because your body doesn’t produce enough of a certain hormone called estrogen or because you don’t absorb enough calcium from food or supplements. According to recent statistics, there are around 300 million people over the age of 50 that experiences osteoporosis.

There are a number of factors that can cause osteoporosis, but one of the most common is age. As people get older, their bones naturally break down and stop making new bone tissue. This process speeds up when menopause occurs because women lack estrogen and progesterone, which help prevent bone loss.

Another common cause of osteoporosis is heredity: if you have family members who have experienced the disease, you’re more likely to experience its effects as well. There are also certain medical conditions that contribute to osteoporosis, including thyroid disease and anemia.

What is the Link Between Hearing Loss and Osteoporosis?

Hearing loss and osteoporosis are common in older adults, who are more likely to experience these conditions than younger adults. The link between hearing loss and osteoporosis is that both conditions are common in older adults. In fact, almost 50% of people over the age of 65 have some degree of hearing loss, and 25% of those over the age of 80 have severe hearing loss.

Hearing loss can occur when the bones in your inner ear become thinner and less dense, which makes it harder for sound waves to travel through them. The bone in your middle ear also becomes less dense with age. This can affect how well you hear certain sounds, especially high-pitched sounds like chirps or bird songs.

Osteoporosis occurs when there are too few minerals such as calcium in your bones. This condition can lead to broken bones or a complete collapse of the bone tissue.

Both hearing loss and osteoporosis can be treated, and both may be prevented by exercising regularly, not smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.

While there is evidence of a link between hearing loss and osteoporosis in older adults, this does not mean you can prevent or treat one condition by treating the other. In fact, treatment for hearing loss should be approached with caution in people with osteoporosis because it may increase their risk of falling. It’s important to work with your doctor to find the best treatment for you and your specific condition. If you would like to learn more, you can visit Quality Hearing & Audiology Center or call us today at (816) 205-7220 for more information.

Tags: hearing loss & osteoporosis