If you’re one of the more than 26 million Americans who suffer from hearing loss, you may be wondering if hearing aids can cause headaches. The answer is: it’s possible, however, it’s typically do to ill-fitting devices and the wrong settings. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to prevent hearing aid-related headaches and they start by having a conversation with your audiologist. This blog post discusses what causes these headaches, the symptoms and how you can best prevent them!

What are Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are small devices that fit in or around the ear and amplify sound to help people with hearing loss. They come in a variety of styles, including:

  • In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids: These devices sit inside the outer part of the ear bowl and fill up most of it.
  • Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids: This variety is attached to a molded piece behind the ear and runs down into the ear canal.
  • In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids: These devices fit partially or completely inside the ear canal and offer the most discreetness.

These hearing aids can each be customized for each user’s individual needs through the use of different features and settings.

Can Hearing Aids Cause Headaches?

It is possible for hearing aids to cause headaches. This is usually due to an ill-fitting hearing aid or a device that is too powerful for the user’s hearing loss. An audiologist can help determine if your hearing aids are causing your headaches and make adjustments to ensure a better experience.

Sometimes, hearing aids can emit high-pitched noise, which may cause headaches in some users. If this happens, you should consult with an audiologist to adjust the hearing aid’s settings until it no longer produces this noise.

Other times, hearing aids can cause feedback – an annoying whistling sound when the microphone picks up amplified sound from the speaker – which may also lead to headaches in some people. Again, talk to an audiologist about adjusting the hearing aid to reduce or eliminate the feedback.

Hearing aids are designed to amplify sound, which can cause discomfort in some cases. This is because hearing aids increase the amount of sound that enters your ears and can cause a person to become overwhelmed. When this happens, it’s possible for headaches to occur. Additionally, hearing aid discomfort can come from wearing hearing aids too often or not giving your ears time to rest between hearing aid use.

How to Reduce Hearing Aid-Related Headaches

The best way to prevent hearing aid-related headaches is to get them fitted by an audiologist who can adjust the hearing aids to your hearing needs and make sure they fit comfortably. In some cases, hearing aids may need to be replaced if they don’t fit correctly or are too powerful for your hearing loss. Your audiologist can also help reduce feedback and any high-pitched noise that may be causing headaches.

Another way to prevent hearing aid-related headaches is by taking breaks from wearing hearing aids throughout the day. This can help prevent strain and fatigue on your ears, which in turn can help alleviate hearing aid-caused headaches. Additionally, audiologists suggest ensuring you’re using hearing aids that are suitable for your level of hearing loss. If a hearing aid isn’t providing the sound amplification you need, it could lead to further discomfort and a higher risk of headaches occurring.

Schedule an Appointment with an Audiologist

If you’re noticing unwanted behavior or side effects from your hearing aids, schedule an appointment with your audiologist to get the assistance you need. The audiologist will be happy to perform an examination of the device and the current settings you’re using to determine if the problem is caused by a poor fit or improper programming.

Why Your Hearing Aids Should be Comfortable

Having hearing aids that are comfortable is essential for hearing aid users. If hearing aids become uncomfortable or cause headaches, it may lead to hearing damage over time. That’s why it’s important to have hearing aids fitted by an audiologist who can provide further guidance about hearing aid use and make any necessary adjustments in order to ensure comfort and proper amplification.

At Quality Hearing & Audiology Center, we understand how important it is to find the right hearing aid that fits your unique needs and lifestyle. We offer a variety of hearing solutions tailored to meet your individual needs, including hearing tests and hearing aid fittings with experienced audiologists. Give us a call today at (816) 205-7220 to learn more about our services! Our friendly staff is here to help you get the best care for your hearing needs.

Tags: faqs, hearing aid basics